This Jupyter Book was assembled in September 2020 by Dr. Michael Lamoureux, Callysto Ambassador and Professor Emeritus at the University of Calgary. It is a complilation of Curriculum Notebooks of the Callysto Project which were written and created by a team of Callysto Developers, under the auspices of the Cybera organization and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences ( PIMS ).
Callysto Developers who contributed to these notebooks include:
Matthew Adams
Tyer Barry
Michael Beals
Alyson Birce
Jessica Cervi
Jonathan Chalaturnyk
Mark Comte
Rajib Das
Eric Easthope
Jeremy Eng
Sean Fitzpatrick
Noah Gergel
Laura Gutierrez Funderburk
David Hay
India Heisz
Richard Hoshino
Joel Houle
Yiwie Huang
Rafat Islam
Nolan Jakub
Addison Keffer
Ben Klaff
Tetiana Koznets
Michael Lamoureux
Evan MacNeil
Owen Mcleod
Matthew Palmarin
Daniel Palmarin
Rob Petry
Christopher Reed
Christian Rios
Mohamar Rios Flores
Zachary Selk
Seth Taylor
Nathan Tipper
Nicole Vachon
Ariel van Brummelen
Gustaaf Wehnes
Lin Zhu