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Geographic Progression of The American Revolution

The American Revolution (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence.

On July 4, 1776, America’s Thirteen Colonies declared that they were no longer part of Britain. The British disagreed. A war between Britain and the Thirteen Colonies began as a result of this disagreement. This war was known as the American Revolution or the War of Independence. (From “Our Land and People”, Patricia Shields-Ramsay, Douglas Ramsay)

map of colonies

The location of the original thirteen English Colonies on the east coast of what is now known as the United States of America.

In order to understand the origins and progression of the American Revolutionary War, we will look at the locations of various battles during each stage of the war. From this data, we can begin to understand where the battles were taking place, where they moved to, and try and understand the events surrounding them. To begin, we first need to download an open data set from Wikipedia that contains the locations and other information about the battles.

Select the code cell below, then click the ▶Run button in the toolbar to download and display the data.

url = ''
import pandas as pd
revolution_data = pd.read_html(url)[17] # get the 18th table from the page
Battle Date Colony/State Outcome
0 Powder Alarm* September 1, 1774 Massachusetts British soldiers remove military supplies
1 Storming of Fort William and Mary* December 14, 1774 New Hampshire Patriots seize powder and shot after brief ski...
2 Battles of Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775 Massachusetts Patriot victory: British forces raiding Concor...
3 Siege of Boston April 19, 1775 –March 17, 1776 Massachusetts Patriot victory: British eventually evacuate B...
4 Gunpowder Incident* April 20, 1775 Virginia Virginia governor Lord Dunmore removes powder ...
... ... ... ... ...
253 Action of 2 January 1783 January 2, 1783 Hispaniola Inconclusive
254 Action of 22 January 1783 January 22, 1783 Virginia British victory
255 Action of 15 February 1783 February 15, 1783 Guadeloupe British victory
256 Action of 17 February 1783 17 February 1783 Cuba British victory
257 Recapture of the Bahamas 14–18 April 1783 Bahamas British victory

258 rows × 4 columns

From the table above we see that there is a lot of information to digest. There are 253 rows and four columns. The columns are the name of the battle, the date of the battle, where it took place, and the consequences of that battle.

Next we are going to look up latitude and longitude values for each of the listed locations.

# import and set up libraries
!pip install geopy --user
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from geopy.extra.rate_limiter import RateLimiter
locator = Nominatim(user_agent='Callysto Geocoder')
geocode = RateLimiter(locator.geocode, min_delay_seconds=.1)
location_data_dictionary = {} # an empty dictionary that we will add to
# loop through the unique locations in the previous dataframe and geocode their location
for place in revolution_data['Colony/State'].unique():
    #location = locator.geocode(place) # without rate limiting
    location = geocode(place)
# clear the screen of the progress we were printing
from IPython import display
# create the dataframe
location_data = pd.DataFrame(data=location_data_dictionary).transpose()
location_data.rename(columns={0:'Location', 1:'Coordinates'}, inplace=True)
Location Coordinates
Massachusetts Massachusetts, United States of America (42.3788774, -72.032366)
New Hampshire New Hampshire, United States of America (43.4849133, -71.6553992)
Virginia Virginia, United States of America (37.1232245, -78.4927721)
New York New York, United States of America (40.7127281, -74.0060152)
Quebec Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668)
... ... ...
Delaware Bay Delaware Bay, Cumberland County, New Jersey, U... (39.247595399999994, -75.30105997051399)
Hispaniola La Hispaniola, Constanza, La Vega, República D... (18.77858115, -70.5427697709766)
Cape May Cape May, Cape May County, New Jersey, 18204, ... (38.9351126, -74.9060053)
Guadeloupe Guadeloupe, France (16.2490067, -61.5650444)
Cuba Cuba (23.0131338, -80.8328748)

62 rows × 2 columns

Geographic View of The American Revolution

Now that we have some location data about the Revolutionary War battles, let’s put it on a map.

# join our two dataframes together
map_data = revolution_data.join(location_data, on='Colony/State')
# split the Coordinates column into Latitude and Longitude
map_data[['Latitude','Longitude']] = pd.DataFrame(map_data['Coordinates'].tolist(), index=map_data.index)
# create the map
import folium
battle_map = folium.Map(location=[50, -50], zoom_start=2)
for i, row in map_data.iterrows():
    location=[row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']]
    battle_map.add_child(folium.Marker(location, tooltip=row['Battle'], popup=row['Date']))
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

It is interesting to note that that not all of the battles took place in the United States.

We can list the battles that took place in Canada.

Battle Date Colony/State Outcome Location Coordinates Latitude Longitude
10 Siege of Fort St. Jean September 17 –November 3, 1775 Quebec Patriot victory: Patriots capture British forc... Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
11 Battle of Longue-Pointe September 25, 1775 Quebec British victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
18 Battle of Quebec December 31, 1775 Quebec British victory: British repulse Patriot assau... Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
23 Battle of Saint-Pierre March 25, 1776 Quebec Patriot victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
25 Battle of The Cedars May 18–27, 1776 Quebec British victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
26 Battle of Trois-Rivières June 8, 1776 Quebec British victory: Patriots forced to evacuate Q... Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
37 Battle of Fort Cumberland November 10–29, 1776 Nova Scotia British victory Nova Scotia, Canada (45.1960403, -63.1653789) 45.196040 -63.165379
107 Battle of Chillicothe May 1779 Quebec Patriot victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
154 Battle of Pekowee August 8, 1780 Quebec Patriot victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
170 La Balme's Defeat November 5, 1780 Quebec British-Iroquois victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
199 Naval battle of Louisbourg July 21, 1781 Nova Scotia Franco-Patriot victory Nova Scotia, Canada (45.1960403, -63.1653789) 45.196040 -63.165379
203 Lochry's Defeat August 24, 1781 Quebec British-Iroquois victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
234 Crawford expedition May 25-June 12, 1782 Quebec British-Iroquois victory Québec, Canada (52.4760892, -71.8258668) 52.476089 -71.825867
235 Naval battle off Halifax May 28–29, 1782 Nova Scotia British victory Nova Scotia, Canada (45.1960403, -63.1653789) 45.196040 -63.165379
236 Raid on Chester June 30, 1782 Chester, Nova Scotia British victory Chester, Chester District Municipality, Nova S... (44.5413322, -64.2411853) 44.541332 -64.241185
237 Raid on Lunenburg July 1, 1782 Nova Scotia Patriot victory Nova Scotia, Canada (45.1960403, -63.1653789) 45.196040 -63.165379
239 Hudson Bay Expedition August 8, 1782 Rupert's Land Franco-Patriot victory Anglican Centre, Diocese of Rupert's Land, 935... (49.8345313, -97.14746377135569) 49.834531 -97.147464

We are also interested in looking at the battles by year, so we will create a year column from the last four characters of the Date column.

map_data['Year'] = map_data['Date'].str[-4:]
Battle Date Colony/State Outcome Location Coordinates Latitude Longitude Year
0 Powder Alarm* September 1, 1774 Massachusetts British soldiers remove military supplies Massachusetts, United States of America (42.3788774, -72.032366) 42.378877 -72.032366 1774
1 Storming of Fort William and Mary* December 14, 1774 New Hampshire Patriots seize powder and shot after brief ski... New Hampshire, United States of America (43.4849133, -71.6553992) 43.484913 -71.655399 1774
2 Battles of Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775 Massachusetts Patriot victory: British forces raiding Concor... Massachusetts, United States of America (42.3788774, -72.032366) 42.378877 -72.032366 1775
3 Siege of Boston April 19, 1775 –March 17, 1776 Massachusetts Patriot victory: British eventually evacuate B... Massachusetts, United States of America (42.3788774, -72.032366) 42.378877 -72.032366 1776
4 Gunpowder Incident* April 20, 1775 Virginia Virginia governor Lord Dunmore removes powder ... Virginia, United States of America (37.1232245, -78.4927721) 37.123224 -78.492772 1775
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
253 Action of 2 January 1783 January 2, 1783 Hispaniola Inconclusive La Hispaniola, Constanza, La Vega, República D... (18.77858115, -70.5427697709766) 18.778581 -70.542770 1783
254 Action of 22 January 1783 January 22, 1783 Virginia British victory Virginia, United States of America (37.1232245, -78.4927721) 37.123224 -78.492772 1783
255 Action of 15 February 1783 February 15, 1783 Guadeloupe British victory Guadeloupe, France (16.2490067, -61.5650444) 16.249007 -61.565044 1783
256 Action of 17 February 1783 17 February 1783 Cuba British victory Cuba (23.0131338, -80.8328748) 23.013134 -80.832875 1783
257 Recapture of the Bahamas 14–18 April 1783 Bahamas British victory The Bahamas (24.7736546, -78.0000547) 24.773655 -78.000055 1783

258 rows × 9 columns

We can now animate those battles by the year that they took place. The year can be controlled by adjusting the slider on the bottom of the map below, or by simply pressing the play button. Look at the map below and observe the progress of battles that took place.

If you hover your mouse over the battle location, you can see the name of the battle. You can also zoom in and out with the buttons at the top right.

import as px
fig = px.scatter_geo(map_data, lat='Latitude', lon='Longitude', animation_frame='Year', hover_name='Battle')

Using this interactive map, you can observe the progression of the American Revolution in North America in terms of the battles fought each year. Pay particular attention to the battles taking place in Quebec, the Maritime provinces, and along the Saint Lawrence River.


  1. Use the slider and hover over the battles on the map above, which battles were fought in what is now Canada?

  2. Why did some battles of the American Revolution take place in Quebec?

  3. Choose one of those battles and study it further. How might that battle have shaped Canada as we know it today?

The Progression of the War

While the map above makes it easy to see where and when various battles were fought during the American Revolution, sometimes it’s to look at different visualizations. The following bar chart displays how many battles took place each year.

import cufflinks as cf
by_year = map_data.groupby('Year').count()['Battle']
by_year.iplot(kind='bar', yTitle='Number of Battles', xTitle='Year', title='Battles per Year')

We can see that the year 1777 had the most battles out of the entire war. This is because 1776-1777 was the beginning of the British counter offensive, and British forces made considerable progress against the Americans.


  1. 1778 has about half as many battles as 1777, the year of the British counter offensive. What is the reason for this?

  2. 1780 has the second most battles in a year. What events lead to this year having as many battles as it did?

American Revolution Battle Locations

We can also chart the number of battles by location.

by_location = map_data.groupby('Location').count()['Battle'].sort_values()
by_location.iplot(kind='barh', margin=(400,0,0,50), dimensions=(800,1100), xTitle='Number of Battles', title='Battles by Location',)


Using data from Wikipedia, we were able to visualize the locations and progress of the American Revolution, and also discover how many battles took place each year. License