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Namespaces in Python

The use of namespaces is simply a way to help organize your code, and keep track of what functions you have available in various modules. A module is essentially a toolbox with a lot of code in it, including functions that your can call.

You may have noticed that we often import various modules/toolboxes to accomplish various tasks in Python. The problem is that with so many modules, the names of various functions might conflict.

For instance, mathematical functions like sine and cosine are defined in several different modules. When we import a toolbox, we can “remind” Python which version of the function we would like to use.

Example 1

Here we see the sine function lives in three different modules. We can import each, and call the function from either.

import math
import numpy
import scipy

math.sin(.1),numpy.sin(.1), scipy.sin(.1)
(0.09983341664682815, 0.09983341664682815, 0.09983341664682815)

Example 2

It is common to import a module with an abbreviated name, just to keep the typing to a minimum. So as in example 1, we can load in three different modules, but use abbreviations when calling the functions.

import math as mt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

mt.sin(.1),np.sin(.1), sp.sin(.1)
(0.09983341664682815, 0.09983341664682815, 0.09983341664682815)

Example 3

Of course, there is also the option to include the modules without the namespace identifier. This is dangerous, as we don’t know where the function sine is coming from. (In this example, it doesn’t really matter, as sine works the same in all three toolboxes.)

To be honest, I am often sloppy like this, as it makes my code easier to read. But again, this is risky.

from math import *
from numpy import *
from scipy import *


Notice when we call the sine function above, it is ambiguous as to which version we are getting. By calling up “help” as below, we can get some hints as to what toolbox this tool is coming from. (In my tests, it comes from numpy.)

Help on ufunc object:

sin = class ufunc(builtins.object)
 |  Functions that operate element by element on whole arrays.
 |  To see the documentation for a specific ufunc, use `info`.  For
 |  example, ````.  Because ufuncs are written in C
 |  (for speed) and linked into Python with NumPy's ufunc facility,
 |  Python's help() function finds this page whenever help() is called
 |  on a ufunc.
 |  A detailed explanation of ufuncs can be found in the docs for :ref:`ufuncs`.
 |  Calling ufuncs:
 |  ===============
 |  op(*x[, out], where=True, **kwargs)
 |  Apply `op` to the arguments `*x` elementwise, broadcasting the arguments.
 |  The broadcasting rules are:
 |  * Dimensions of length 1 may be prepended to either array.
 |  * Arrays may be repeated along dimensions of length 1.
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  *x : array_like
 |      Input arrays.
 |  out : ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional
 |      Alternate array object(s) in which to put the result; if provided, it
 |      must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. A tuple of arrays
 |      (possible only as a keyword argument) must have length equal to the
 |      number of outputs; use `None` for uninitialized outputs to be
 |      allocated by the ufunc.
 |  where : array_like, optional
 |      This condition is broadcast over the input. At locations where the
 |      condition is True, the `out` array will be set to the ufunc result.
 |      Elsewhere, the `out` array will retain its original value.
 |      Note that if an uninitialized `out` array is created via the default
 |      ``out=None``, locations within it where the condition is False will
 |      remain uninitialized.
 |  **kwargs
 |      For other keyword-only arguments, see the :ref:`ufunc docs <ufuncs.kwargs>`.
 |  Returns
 |  -------
 |  r : ndarray or tuple of ndarray
 |      `r` will have the shape that the arrays in `x` broadcast to; if `out` is
 |      provided, it will be returned. If not, `r` will be allocated and
 |      may contain uninitialized values. If the function has more than one
 |      output, then the result will be a tuple of arrays.
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __call__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Call self as a function.
 |  __repr__(self, /)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self, /)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  accumulate(...)
 |      accumulate(array, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None)
 |      Accumulate the result of applying the operator to all elements.
 |      For a one-dimensional array, accumulate produces results equivalent to::
 |        r = np.empty(len(A))
 |        t = op.identity        # op = the ufunc being applied to A's  elements
 |        for i in range(len(A)):
 |            t = op(t, A[i])
 |            r[i] = t
 |        return r
 |      For example, add.accumulate() is equivalent to np.cumsum().
 |      For a multi-dimensional array, accumulate is applied along only one
 |      axis (axis zero by default; see Examples below) so repeated use is
 |      necessary if one wants to accumulate over multiple axes.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      array : array_like
 |          The array to act on.
 |      axis : int, optional
 |          The axis along which to apply the accumulation; default is zero.
 |      dtype : data-type code, optional
 |          The data-type used to represent the intermediate results. Defaults
 |          to the data-type of the output array if such is provided, or the
 |          the data-type of the input array if no output array is provided.
 |      out : ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional
 |          A location into which the result is stored. If not provided or `None`,
 |          a freshly-allocated array is returned. For consistency with
 |          ``ufunc.__call__``, if given as a keyword, this may be wrapped in a
 |          1-element tuple.
 |          .. versionchanged:: 1.13.0
 |             Tuples are allowed for keyword argument.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      r : ndarray
 |          The accumulated values. If `out` was supplied, `r` is a reference to
 |          `out`.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      1-D array examples:
 |      >>> np.add.accumulate([2, 3, 5])
 |      array([ 2,  5, 10])
 |      >>> np.multiply.accumulate([2, 3, 5])
 |      array([ 2,  6, 30])
 |      2-D array examples:
 |      >>> I = np.eye(2)
 |      >>> I
 |      array([[1.,  0.],
 |             [0.,  1.]])
 |      Accumulate along axis 0 (rows), down columns:
 |      >>> np.add.accumulate(I, 0)
 |      array([[1.,  0.],
 |             [1.,  1.]])
 |      >>> np.add.accumulate(I) # no axis specified = axis zero
 |      array([[1.,  0.],
 |             [1.,  1.]])
 |      Accumulate along axis 1 (columns), through rows:
 |      >>> np.add.accumulate(I, 1)
 |      array([[1.,  1.],
 |             [0.,  1.]])
 |  at(...)
 |      at(a, indices, b=None)
 |      Performs unbuffered in place operation on operand 'a' for elements
 |      specified by 'indices'. For addition ufunc, this method is equivalent to
 |      ``a[indices] += b``, except that results are accumulated for elements that
 |      are indexed more than once. For example, ``a[[0,0]] += 1`` will only
 |      increment the first element once because of buffering, whereas
 |      ``, [0,0], 1)`` will increment the first element twice.
 |      .. versionadded:: 1.8.0
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      a : array_like
 |          The array to perform in place operation on.
 |      indices : array_like or tuple
 |          Array like index object or slice object for indexing into first
 |          operand. If first operand has multiple dimensions, indices can be a
 |          tuple of array like index objects or slice objects.
 |      b : array_like
 |          Second operand for ufuncs requiring two operands. Operand must be
 |          broadcastable over first operand after indexing or slicing.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      Set items 0 and 1 to their negative values:
 |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
 |      >>>, [0, 1])
 |      >>> a
 |      array([-1, -2,  3,  4])
 |      Increment items 0 and 1, and increment item 2 twice:
 |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
 |      >>>, [0, 1, 2, 2], 1)
 |      >>> a
 |      array([2, 3, 5, 4])
 |      Add items 0 and 1 in first array to second array,
 |      and store results in first array:
 |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
 |      >>> b = np.array([1, 2])
 |      >>>, [0, 1], b)
 |      >>> a
 |      array([2, 4, 3, 4])
 |  outer(...)
 |      outer(A, B, **kwargs)
 |      Apply the ufunc `op` to all pairs (a, b) with a in `A` and b in `B`.
 |      Let ``M = A.ndim``, ``N = B.ndim``. Then the result, `C`, of
 |      ``op.outer(A, B)`` is an array of dimension M + N such that:
 |      .. math:: C[i_0, ..., i_{M-1}, j_0, ..., j_{N-1}] =
 |         op(A[i_0, ..., i_{M-1}], B[j_0, ..., j_{N-1}])
 |      For `A` and `B` one-dimensional, this is equivalent to::
 |        r = empty(len(A),len(B))
 |        for i in range(len(A)):
 |            for j in range(len(B)):
 |                r[i,j] = op(A[i], B[j]) # op = ufunc in question
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      A : array_like
 |          First array
 |      B : array_like
 |          Second array
 |      kwargs : any
 |          Arguments to pass on to the ufunc. Typically `dtype` or `out`.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      r : ndarray
 |          Output array
 |      See Also
 |      --------
 |      numpy.outer
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.multiply.outer([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
 |      array([[ 4,  5,  6],
 |             [ 8, 10, 12],
 |             [12, 15, 18]])
 |      A multi-dimensional example:
 |      >>> A = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
 |      >>> A.shape
 |      (2, 3)
 |      >>> B = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])
 |      >>> B.shape
 |      (1, 4)
 |      >>> C = np.multiply.outer(A, B)
 |      >>> C.shape; C
 |      (2, 3, 1, 4)
 |      array([[[[ 1,  2,  3,  4]],
 |              [[ 2,  4,  6,  8]],
 |              [[ 3,  6,  9, 12]]],
 |             [[[ 4,  8, 12, 16]],
 |              [[ 5, 10, 15, 20]],
 |              [[ 6, 12, 18, 24]]]])
 |  reduce(...)
 |      reduce(a, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False, initial=<no value>, where=True)
 |      Reduces `a`'s dimension by one, by applying ufunc along one axis.
 |      Let :math:`a.shape = (N_0, ..., N_i, ..., N_{M-1})`.  Then
 |      :math:`ufunc.reduce(a, axis=i)[k_0, ..,k_{i-1}, k_{i+1}, .., k_{M-1}]` =
 |      the result of iterating `j` over :math:`range(N_i)`, cumulatively applying
 |      ufunc to each :math:`a[k_0, ..,k_{i-1}, j, k_{i+1}, .., k_{M-1}]`.
 |      For a one-dimensional array, reduce produces results equivalent to:
 |      ::
 |       r = op.identity # op = ufunc
 |       for i in range(len(A)):
 |         r = op(r, A[i])
 |       return r
 |      For example, add.reduce() is equivalent to sum().
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      a : array_like
 |          The array to act on.
 |      axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional
 |          Axis or axes along which a reduction is performed.
 |          The default (`axis` = 0) is perform a reduction over the first
 |          dimension of the input array. `axis` may be negative, in
 |          which case it counts from the last to the first axis.
 |          .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
 |          If this is `None`, a reduction is performed over all the axes.
 |          If this is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on multiple
 |          axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as before.
 |          For operations which are either not commutative or not associative,
 |          doing a reduction over multiple axes is not well-defined. The
 |          ufuncs do not currently raise an exception in this case, but will
 |          likely do so in the future.
 |      dtype : data-type code, optional
 |          The type used to represent the intermediate results. Defaults
 |          to the data-type of the output array if this is provided, or
 |          the data-type of the input array if no output array is provided.
 |      out : ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional
 |          A location into which the result is stored. If not provided or `None`,
 |          a freshly-allocated array is returned. For consistency with
 |          ``ufunc.__call__``, if given as a keyword, this may be wrapped in a
 |          1-element tuple.
 |          .. versionchanged:: 1.13.0
 |             Tuples are allowed for keyword argument.
 |      keepdims : bool, optional
 |          If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left
 |          in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option,
 |          the result will broadcast correctly against the original `arr`.
 |          .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
 |      initial : scalar, optional
 |          The value with which to start the reduction.
 |          If the ufunc has no identity or the dtype is object, this defaults
 |          to None - otherwise it defaults to ufunc.identity.
 |          If ``None`` is given, the first element of the reduction is used,
 |          and an error is thrown if the reduction is empty.
 |          .. versionadded:: 1.15.0
 |      where : array_like of bool, optional
 |          A boolean array which is broadcasted to match the dimensions
 |          of `a`, and selects elements to include in the reduction. Note
 |          that for ufuncs like ``minimum`` that do not have an identity
 |          defined, one has to pass in also ``initial``.
 |          .. versionadded:: 1.17.0
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      r : ndarray
 |          The reduced array. If `out` was supplied, `r` is a reference to it.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.multiply.reduce([2,3,5])
 |      30
 |      A multi-dimensional array example:
 |      >>> X = np.arange(8).reshape((2,2,2))
 |      >>> X
 |      array([[[0, 1],
 |              [2, 3]],
 |             [[4, 5],
 |              [6, 7]]])
 |      >>> np.add.reduce(X, 0)
 |      array([[ 4,  6],
 |             [ 8, 10]])
 |      >>> np.add.reduce(X) # confirm: default axis value is 0
 |      array([[ 4,  6],
 |             [ 8, 10]])
 |      >>> np.add.reduce(X, 1)
 |      array([[ 2,  4],
 |             [10, 12]])
 |      >>> np.add.reduce(X, 2)
 |      array([[ 1,  5],
 |             [ 9, 13]])
 |      You can use the ``initial`` keyword argument to initialize the reduction
 |      with a different value, and ``where`` to select specific elements to include:
 |      >>> np.add.reduce([10], initial=5)
 |      15
 |      >>> np.add.reduce(np.ones((2, 2, 2)), axis=(0, 2), initial=10)
 |      array([14., 14.])
 |      >>> a = np.array([10., np.nan, 10])
 |      >>> np.add.reduce(a, where=~np.isnan(a))
 |      20.0
 |      Allows reductions of empty arrays where they would normally fail, i.e.
 |      for ufuncs without an identity.
 |      >>> np.minimum.reduce([], initial=np.inf)
 |      inf
 |      >>> np.minimum.reduce([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]], initial=10., where=[True, False])
 |      array([ 1., 10.])
 |      >>> np.minimum.reduce([])
 |      Traceback (most recent call last):
 |          ...
 |      ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
 |  reduceat(...)
 |      reduceat(a, indices, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None)
 |      Performs a (local) reduce with specified slices over a single axis.
 |      For i in ``range(len(indices))``, `reduceat` computes
 |      ``ufunc.reduce(a[indices[i]:indices[i+1]])``, which becomes the i-th
 |      generalized "row" parallel to `axis` in the final result (i.e., in a
 |      2-D array, for example, if `axis = 0`, it becomes the i-th row, but if
 |      `axis = 1`, it becomes the i-th column).  There are three exceptions to this:
 |      * when ``i = len(indices) - 1`` (so for the last index),
 |        ``indices[i+1] = a.shape[axis]``.
 |      * if ``indices[i] >= indices[i + 1]``, the i-th generalized "row" is
 |        simply ``a[indices[i]]``.
 |      * if ``indices[i] >= len(a)`` or ``indices[i] < 0``, an error is raised.
 |      The shape of the output depends on the size of `indices`, and may be
 |      larger than `a` (this happens if ``len(indices) > a.shape[axis]``).
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      a : array_like
 |          The array to act on.
 |      indices : array_like
 |          Paired indices, comma separated (not colon), specifying slices to
 |          reduce.
 |      axis : int, optional
 |          The axis along which to apply the reduceat.
 |      dtype : data-type code, optional
 |          The type used to represent the intermediate results. Defaults
 |          to the data type of the output array if this is provided, or
 |          the data type of the input array if no output array is provided.
 |      out : ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional
 |          A location into which the result is stored. If not provided or `None`,
 |          a freshly-allocated array is returned. For consistency with
 |          ``ufunc.__call__``, if given as a keyword, this may be wrapped in a
 |          1-element tuple.
 |          .. versionchanged:: 1.13.0
 |             Tuples are allowed for keyword argument.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      r : ndarray
 |          The reduced values. If `out` was supplied, `r` is a reference to
 |          `out`.
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      A descriptive example:
 |      If `a` is 1-D, the function `ufunc.accumulate(a)` is the same as
 |      ``ufunc.reduceat(a, indices)[::2]`` where `indices` is
 |      ``range(len(array) - 1)`` with a zero placed
 |      in every other element:
 |      ``indices = zeros(2 * len(a) - 1)``, ``indices[1::2] = range(1, len(a))``.
 |      Don't be fooled by this attribute's name: `reduceat(a)` is not
 |      necessarily smaller than `a`.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      To take the running sum of four successive values:
 |      >>> np.add.reduceat(np.arange(8),[0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7])[::2]
 |      array([ 6, 10, 14, 18])
 |      A 2-D example:
 |      >>> x = np.linspace(0, 15, 16).reshape(4,4)
 |      >>> x
 |      array([[ 0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
 |             [ 4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
 |             [ 8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
 |             [12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])
 |      ::
 |       # reduce such that the result has the following five rows:
 |       # [row1 + row2 + row3]
 |       # [row4]
 |       # [row2]
 |       # [row3]
 |       # [row1 + row2 + row3 + row4]
 |      >>> np.add.reduceat(x, [0, 3, 1, 2, 0])
 |      array([[12.,  15.,  18.,  21.],
 |             [12.,  13.,  14.,  15.],
 |             [ 4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
 |             [ 8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
 |             [24.,  28.,  32.,  36.]])
 |      ::
 |       # reduce such that result has the following two columns:
 |       # [col1 * col2 * col3, col4]
 |      >>> np.multiply.reduceat(x, [0, 3], 1)
 |      array([[   0.,     3.],
 |             [ 120.,     7.],
 |             [ 720.,    11.],
 |             [2184.,    15.]])
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  identity
 |      The identity value.
 |      Data attribute containing the identity element for the ufunc, if it has one.
 |      If it does not, the attribute value is None.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.add.identity
 |      0
 |      >>> np.multiply.identity
 |      1
 |      >>> np.power.identity
 |      1
 |      >>> print(np.exp.identity)
 |      None
 |  nargs
 |      The number of arguments.
 |      Data attribute containing the number of arguments the ufunc takes, including
 |      optional ones.
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      Typically this value will be one more than what you might expect because all
 |      ufuncs take  the optional "out" argument.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.add.nargs
 |      3
 |      >>> np.multiply.nargs
 |      3
 |      >>> np.power.nargs
 |      3
 |      >>> np.exp.nargs
 |      2
 |  nin
 |      The number of inputs.
 |      Data attribute containing the number of arguments the ufunc treats as input.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.add.nin
 |      2
 |      >>> np.multiply.nin
 |      2
 |      >>> np.power.nin
 |      2
 |      >>> np.exp.nin
 |      1
 |  nout
 |      The number of outputs.
 |      Data attribute containing the number of arguments the ufunc treats as output.
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      Since all ufuncs can take output arguments, this will always be (at least) 1.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.add.nout
 |      1
 |      >>> np.multiply.nout
 |      1
 |      >>> np.power.nout
 |      1
 |      >>> np.exp.nout
 |      1
 |  ntypes
 |      The number of types.
 |      The number of numerical NumPy types - of which there are 18 total - on which
 |      the ufunc can operate.
 |      See Also
 |      --------
 |      numpy.ufunc.types
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.add.ntypes
 |      18
 |      >>> np.multiply.ntypes
 |      18
 |      >>> np.power.ntypes
 |      17
 |      >>> np.exp.ntypes
 |      7
 |      >>> np.remainder.ntypes
 |      14
 |  signature
 |      Definition of the core elements a generalized ufunc operates on.
 |      The signature determines how the dimensions of each input/output array
 |      are split into core and loop dimensions:
 |      1. Each dimension in the signature is matched to a dimension of the
 |         corresponding passed-in array, starting from the end of the shape tuple.
 |      2. Core dimensions assigned to the same label in the signature must have
 |         exactly matching sizes, no broadcasting is performed.
 |      3. The core dimensions are removed from all inputs and the remaining
 |         dimensions are broadcast together, defining the loop dimensions.
 |      Notes
 |      -----
 |      Generalized ufuncs are used internally in many linalg functions, and in
 |      the testing suite; the examples below are taken from these.
 |      For ufuncs that operate on scalars, the signature is `None`, which is
 |      equivalent to '()' for every argument.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.core.umath_tests.matrix_multiply.signature
 |      '(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)'
 |      >>> np.linalg._umath_linalg.det.signature
 |      '(m,m)->()'
 |      >>> np.add.signature is None
 |      True  # equivalent to '(),()->()'
 |  types
 |      Returns a list with types grouped input->output.
 |      Data attribute listing the data-type "Domain-Range" groupings the ufunc can
 |      deliver. The data-types are given using the character codes.
 |      See Also
 |      --------
 |      numpy.ufunc.ntypes
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      >>> np.add.types
 |      ['??->?', 'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',
 |      'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D',
 |      'GG->G', 'OO->O']
 |      >>> np.multiply.types
 |      ['??->?', 'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',
 |      'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D',
 |      'GG->G', 'OO->O']
 |      >>> np.power.types
 |      ['bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L',
 |      'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D', 'GG->G',
 |      'OO->O']
 |      >>> np.exp.types
 |      ['f->f', 'd->d', 'g->g', 'F->F', 'D->D', 'G->G', 'O->O']
 |      >>> np.remainder.types
 |      ['bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L',
 |      'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'OO->O'] License