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Fruit Tree Popularity

Using tree data from Vancover Open Data we can see which public fruit trees are the most common.

csv_url = ''

import pandas as pd
df =  pd.read_csv(csv_url, sep=';') # Vancouver Open Data uses a ; between each column instead of a ,
df.dropna(subset=['food_tree_varieties'], inplace=True) # drop a row if it is NA in that column
mapid year_created name street_number street_direction street_name street_type merged_address number_of_plots number_of_food_trees notes food_tree_varieties other_food_assets jurisdiction steward_or_managing_organization public_e_mail website geo_local_area geom
2 FA006 2011 Adanac Park Community Garden 1025.0 NaN Boundary Road 1025 Boundary Road, Vancouver, BC 30.0 8 NaN 1 Early McIntosh Apple; 1 Jonagold apple; 2 it... NaN Park Board Kiwassa Neighbourhood Services Association Hastings-Sunrise {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0243945...
6 FA017 NaN Carnarvon Park 2995.0 W 19th Av 2995 W 19th Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 15 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Arbutus-Ridge {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.171486,...
7 FA024 NaN Charles Park 3400.0 NaN Charles St 3400 Charles St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 1 NaN Crabapple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Hastings-Sunrise {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0308947...
8 FA027 2010 Cheyenne Community Garden 2755.0 NaN Cheyenne Av 2755 Cheyenne Av, Vancouver, BC 35.0 5 inc by 3 plots in 2016 Plums, heritage apples NaN City Collingwood Neighbourhood House Society Renfrew-Collingwood {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0480587...
10 FA029 2008 China Creek Community Garden 1255.0 E 10th Av 1255 E 10th Av, Vancouver, BC 23.0 3 NaN 2 apple, 1 plum, and raspberry bushes NaN Park Board Urban Diggers Society\n604-734-4673. NaN Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0788681...
12 FA035 2009 City Hall Lawn Garden 453.0 W 12th Av 453 W 12th Av, Vancouver, BC 38.0 5 NaN Apple NaN City Vancouver City Hall Community Garden Association NaN Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1139357...
14 FA041 1992 Cottonwood Community Garden 857.0 NaN Malkin Av 857 Malkin Av, Vancouver, BC 139.0 26 Expansion in 2010 - 50 beds with improved acce... Apple, cherry, plum, fig, Asian pear, hazelnut... NaN Park Board Strathcona Community Gardeners Society Strathcona {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0837543...
16 FA046 NaN Delamont Park 2091.0 W 7th Av 2091 W 7th Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 8 NaN Cherry, Asian pear, plum, hazelnut NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Kitsilano {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.152619,...
17 FA047 2006 Douglas Park 801.0 W 22nd Av 801 W 22nd Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 13 NaN Pear, apple, plum, cherry NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN South Cambie {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1222139...
18 FA051 2013 Dundee Community Garden 5395.0 NaN Dundee St 5395 Dundee St, Vancouver, BC 23.0 4 NaN Apple NaN City Dundee Court Housing Co-op NaN Renfrew-Collingwood {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0479743...
19 FA052 1996 Elisabeth Rogers Community Garden 110.0 W 7th Av 110 W 7th  Av, Vancouver, BC 56.0 12 NaN Fuji (red sport), Jonagold, Nova Mac, Italian ... NaN Park Board Urban Diggers Society\  ... Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1072231...
21 FA055 NaN Everett Crowley Park 8200.0 NaN Kerr St 8200 Kerr St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 2 NaN Cherry, pear NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Killarney {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0380764...
22 FA057 1986 Fraser River Park 8705.0 NaN Angus Drive 8705 Angus Drive, Vancouver, BC 0.0 36 NaN Native Crabapple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Kerrisdale {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1518406...
23 FA059 2010 Fraserview Golf Course 7800.0 NaN Vivian Drive 7800 Vivian Drive, Vancouver, BC 0.0 30 NaN Apple, cherry NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Victoria-Fraserview {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0539872...
26 FA066 pre 2000 Grandview Elementary Community Garden 2055.0 NaN Woodland Drive 2055 Woodland Drive, Vancouver, BC 24.0 5 3mx3m community plots in addition to school ga... yes Earth Tub composter Private Grandview Garden Coordinator (VCH SMART funding) NaN NaN Strathcona {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.07831, ...
39 FA126 1978 Sparwood Park 6998.0 NaN Arlington St 6998 Arlington St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 17 NaN Crabapple, hazelnut NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Killarney {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0293224...
41 FA135 2002 Tea Swamp Community Garden 255.0 E 16th Av 255 E 16th Av, Vancouver, BC 20.0 4 NaN 2 apple, 2 fig, raspberry canes, blueberry, grape NaN Park Board Urban Diggers Society Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0990112...
43 FA144 pre-1970 Valdez Park 3210.0 W 22nd Av 3210 W 22nd Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 6 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Dunbar-Southlands {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1764742...
45 FA149 2013 Woodland Park Community Garden 705.0 NaN Woodland Drive 705 Woodland Drive, Vancouver, BC 64.0 3 NaN Jonamac Apple, Italian Prune, Pacific Crabapple NaN Park Board Village Vancouver Transition Society Grandview-Woodland {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0738382...
58 FA008 NaN Arbutus Village Park 4202.0 NaN Valley Drive 4202 Valley Drive, Vancouver, BC 0.0 9 NaN Crabapple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Arbutus-Ridge {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1549951...
59 FA013 2012 Brewery Creek Community Garden 2390.0 NaN Brunswick St 2390 Brunswick St, Vancouver, BC 40.0 11 NaN Bramley's seedling apple; cortland apple; earl... NaN Park Board Urban Diggers Society Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0957332...
60 FA014 NaN Burrard View Park 650.0 N Penticton St 650 N Penticton St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 1 NaN Cherry NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Hastings-Sunrise {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0519175...
61 FA015 pre-1970 Callister Park 2875.0 NaN Oxford St 2875 Oxford St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 4 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Hastings-Sunrise {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0453833...
63 FA036 2008 Cityview Baptist Church 4370.0 NaN Sophia St 4370 Sophia  St, Vancouver, BC 6.0 1 NaN Heritage apple NaN Private Neighbours Riley Park {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.099148,...
65 FA040 2012 Copley Community Orchard 3590.0 NaN Copley St 3590 Copley St, Vancouver, BC 3.0 100 NaN range of varieties of perenial fruit and veget... NaN City Copley Community Orchard Society Kensington-Cedar Cottage {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0578738...
69 FA056 2010 Falaise Park 3434.0 NaN Falaise Av 3434 Falaise Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 25 NaN Apple, cherry, plum, pear, peach NaN Park Board Vancouver Christian School NaN NaN Renfrew-Collingwood {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0300574...
71 FA063 2011 Gaston Park 3470.0 NaN Crowley Drive 3470 Crowley  Drive, Vancouver, BC 0.0 11 NaN quince, Asian pear, Saskatoon berry, Italian p... NaN Park Board Renfrew Collingwood Food Security Institute Renfrew-Collingwood {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0311899...
72 FA067 2011 Grandview Park 1657.0 NaN Charles St 1657 Charles St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 yes NaN Plum espalier NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Grandview-Woodland {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0705385...
77 FA077 2013 The World in a Garden 7249.0 NaN Cypress St 7249 Cypress St, Vancouver, BC 12.0 NaN NaN 9 pear, apple, fig, plum, almond City World in a Garden Kerrisdale {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.150444,...
80 FA082 2011 Kits Village Collaborative Garden 1407.0 NaN Laburnum St 1407 Laburnum St, Vancouver, BC NaN 5 NaN Cortland apple; Golden Reinette Apple; dwaf An... NaN Private Village Vancouver NaN Kitsilano {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1514277...
82 FA088 2010 Ladybug Garden 1688.0 E 8th Av 1688 E 8th Av, Vancouver, BC 48.0 7 6 plum, apple, crab apple, fig NaN City The Britannia Community Services Centre Society Grandview-Woodland {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0703978...
85 FA093 1996 Maple Community Garden 1900.0 W 6th Av 1900 W 6th Av, Vancouver, BC 53.0 5 NaN Fig, Apple, Plum NaN City None Kitsilano {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.148045,...
87 FA100 2011 Memorial West Park 4701.0 NaN Dunbar St 4701 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 15 NaN Apple, pear, cherry NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Dunbar-Southlands {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1852852...
89 FA105 2012 Mount Pleasant Community Garden 3161.0 NaN Ontario St 3161 Ontario St, Vancouver, BC 30.0 16 NaN 1 early macintosh apple; 1 fuji red sport appl... NaN Park Board Urban Diggers Society Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1056414...
91 FA108 2011 Norquay Community Learning Orchard 2732.0 NaN Horley St 2732 Horley St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 8 NaN Heritage apples, pears, Asian pear, cherry, pl... NaN City Collingwood Neighbourhood House Society Renfrew-Collingwood {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0491218...
93 FA110 2009 Pandora Park Community Garden 2325.0 NaN Franklin St 2325 Franklin St, Vancouver, BC 66.0 4 NaN 2 apple, 2 plum NaN Park Board Pandora Park Community Garden Society Grandview-Woodland {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0593773...
95 FA114 2015 Pine Street Community Garden (6th and Fir Park) 1605.0 W 6th Av 1605 W 6th Av, Vancouver, BC 16.0 16 NaN Apple, pear, plum, cherry NaN City and Park Board Pine Street Community Garden Society Fairview {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1420845...
97 FA120 2011 Ross Park 7402.0 NaN Ross St 7402 Ross St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 15 NaN Apple, pear, cherry NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Sunset {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0817007...
101 FA134 2009 Sunset Park 404.0 E 51st Av 404 E 51st Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 29 NaN Fruit NaN Park Board NaN Sunset {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0979535...
105 FA141 2011 Tupper Neighbourhood Greenway 400.0 E 23rd Av 400 E 23rd Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 6 NaN apple trees, berry bushes and fruit vines NaN City Tupper Greenway Urban Orchard Project NaN NaN Riley Park {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.093947,...
107 FA145 NaN Van Dusen Botanical Gardens 5251.0 NaN Oak St 5251 Oak St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 yes NaN Heritage apple NaN Park Board Van Dusen Botanical Garden Association NaN NaN Shaughnessy {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1280384...
120 FA010 NaN Barclay Heritage Square 1433.0 NaN Barclay St 1433 Barclay St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 2 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN West End {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1328450...
123 FA018 2011 Cartier Park 390.0 E 36th Av 390 E 36th Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 6 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Riley Park {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0975115...
124 FA019 2008 Cedar Cottage Community Garden 2021.0 NaN Stainsbury Av 2021 Stainsbury  Av, Vancouver, BC 61.0 13 NaN EARLY MCINTOSH; GOLDEN DELICIOUS SMOOTHEE APPL... NaN Translink Cedar Cottage Garden Society Kensington-Cedar Cottage {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0642552...
127 FA022 NaN Champlain Heights Park 3351.0 NaN Maquinna Drive 3351 Maquinna  Drive, Vancouver, BC 0.0 1 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Killarney {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0326603...
129 FA026 2009 Chester's Field Garden 5333.0 NaN Chester St 5333 Chester  St, Vancouver, BC 11.0 3 NaN anjou dwarf pear; conference dwarf pear NaN City Fraser Kensington Community Garden Society Kensington-Cedar Cottage {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0896066...
131 FA031 2006 China Creek North Park 1001.0 E 7th Av 1001 E 7th Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 38 NaN Apple, cherry, pear, plum NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.07798, ...
134 FA044 1995 Cypress Community Garden 1800.0 W 6th Av 1800 W 6th Av, Vancouver, BC 55.0 15 NaN Clapp's Favourite Pear, dwarf NaN City NaN Kitsilano {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1456636...
139 FA080 2010 Kerrisdale Community Garden 7500.0 NaN Angus Drive 7500 Angus Drive, Vancouver, BC 22.0 4 NaN anjou dwarf pear, compact stella, shamrock, pe... NaN City Kerrisdale Community Garden Committee (under K... Marpole {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1482727...
141 FA085 1986 Kitsilano Community Garden 2027.0 W 6th Av 2027 W 6th Av, Vancouver, BC 55.0 15 NaN Apple (2), Pear (2), Cheery (2), Plum (4), Apr... NaN Park Board Kitsilano Community Garden Association\nKitsgarden.membersh... Kitsilano {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1510237...
144 FA097 2009 McCleery Golf Course 7188.0 NaN Macdonald St 7188 Macdonald  St, Vancouver, BC 0.0 5 NaN Cherry, apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Kerrisdale {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1683146...
145 FA099 2006 Means of Production Garden 1001.0 E 7th Av 1001 E 7th Av, Vancouver, BC 20.0 25 NaN Mix of cherry, plum, apple NaN Park Board Environmental Youth Alliance Mount Pleasant {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0850195...
147 FA104 2003 Mole Hill 1169.0 NaN Pendrell St 1169 Pendrell St, Vancouver, BC 70.0 1 NaN Italian Prune Plum NaN Private Mole Hill Community Housing Society West End {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.1316422...
148 FA107 2008 New Brighton Park 3201.0 NaN New Brighton Road 3201 New Brighton Road, Vancouver, BC 0.0 50 NaN Apple, pear, cherry NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN Hastings-Sunrise {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0361825...
157 FA133 1985 Strathcona Community Garden 857.0 NaN Malkin Av 857 Malkin Av, Vancouver, BC 200.0 104 NaN Bramley's seedling apple; cannor select; cortl... NaN Park Board Strathcona Community Gardeners Soc. Strathcona {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.0879717...
160 FA148 NaN Westmount Park 4651.0 W 2nd Av 4651 W 2nd Av, Vancouver, BC 0.0 2 NaN Apple NaN Park Board NaN NaN NaN West Point Grey {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-123.2144218... License