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Pet Popularity

Using Pet Licenses data from the City of Edmonton Open Data Portal we can see which (licensed) pets are the most popular.

domain = ''
uuid = '5squ-mg4w'
query = 'SELECT *'

import requests
import io
import pandas as pd

session = requests.Session()
results = session.get(domain + uuid +'.csv?$query=' + query)
df =  pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(results.content.decode('utf-8')))
year month month_number license_date neighbourhood neighbourhood_id pet_type breed gender spayed_or_neutered latitude longitude location count
0 2020 September 9 2020-09-03T00:00:00.000 Killarney 2420 Cat RUSSIAN BLUE Female Yes 53.588489 -113.479568 \n, \n(53.58848869298595, -113.47956836782039) 1
1 2020 August 8 2020-08-19T00:00:00.000 Satoo 6680 Dog CHIHUAHUA (LONG HAIR) Male Yes 53.446373 -113.458892 \n, \n(53.44637282810994, -113.45889160765203) 1
2 2020 August 8 2020-08-03T00:00:00.000 Allendale 5010 Cat DOMESTIC (SHORT HAIR) Female Yes 53.502277 -113.504821 \n, \n(53.50227700015803, -113.50482111013511) 1
3 2020 September 9 2020-09-03T00:00:00.000 Secord 4487 Cat DOMESTIC (SHORT HAIR) Female Yes 53.533937 -113.701353 \n, \n(53.53393710914364, -113.70135276511442) 1
4 2020 July 7 2020-07-01T00:00:00.000 Secord 4487 Cat DOMESTIC (SHORT HAIR) Male Yes 53.533937 -113.701353 \n, \n(53.53393710914364, -113.70135276511442) 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
995 2020 July 7 2020-07-16T00:00:00.000 Weinlos 6770 Dog AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG Female Yes 53.459907 -113.413836 \n, \n(53.459906787332415, -113.41383602707519) 1
996 2020 September 9 2020-09-03T00:00:00.000 Twin Brooks 5511 Dog SIBERIAN HUSKY Female Yes 53.444689 -113.531497 \n, \n(53.444688598308645, -113.53149747692723) 1
997 2020 September 9 2020-09-03T00:00:00.000 Graydon Hill 5468 Dog GOLDEN RETRIEVER Male Yes 53.421257 -113.559297 \n, \n(53.42125726511837, -113.5592969195822) 1
998 2020 September 9 2020-09-03T00:00:00.000 Brander Gardens 5080 Dog LABRADOR RETRIEVER Female No 53.495209 -113.579425 \n, \n(53.4952094952786, -113.57942476380458) 1
999 2020 August 8 2020-08-19T00:00:00.000 Elmwood 4140 Cat DOMESTIC (SHORT HAIR) Female Yes 53.515738 -113.605993 \n, \n(53.515738255461834, -113.60599332906781) 1

1000 rows × 14 columns License