Public Library Performance Indicators¶
Using data from the Strathcona County Open Data Portal we can see which public library services might be necessary.
csv_url = ''
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(csv_url)
KPICategory | KPIMeasure | KPIYear | KPIValue | |
0 | Answers | Reference Transactions via the Internet | 2002 | 346.0 |
1 | Collections | Items Processed | 2001 | 16040.0 |
2 | Visits | Electronic - Visits to the Catalogue on the Web | 2003 | 96953.0 |
3 | Population | Population Served | 2012 | 92403.0 |
4 | Collections | Items Ordered | 2002 | 13833.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
667 | Collections | Online/Electronic Magazines/Newspapers (Zinio) | 2016 | 129.0 |
668 | Visits | Patrons visiting Central Library | 2016 | 546908.0 |
669 | Collections | Ebooks and Eaudiobooks owned/licensed by the L... | 2016 | 15427.0 |
670 | Visits | Total Patron Visits | 2016 | 1585299.0 |
671 | Collections | Library Materials Items Owned by the Library | 2016 | 248393.0 |
672 rows × 4 columns